Working Hours: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM every day

Freon HVAC

Freon HVAC



in San Jose, California

8am - 8pm every day




If your heat pump is outdated, inefficient, or constantly requiring repairs, it may be time for heat pump replacement. At Freon HVAC, we specialize in providing professional heat pump replacement services, helping you upgrade to a more efficient and reliable heating and cooling system for year-round comfort and energy savings.

Assessment and Recommendations:

Our experts start the heat pump replacement process by thoroughly assessing your current system and understanding your specific heating and cooling needs. Taking into account factors such as your home or business size, heating and cooling requirements, and budget, we recommend the most suitable replacement options.

Energy-Efficient Solutions:

We prioritize energy efficiency in our heat pump replacement services. We offer a range of high-efficiency heat pump systems that not only provide superior heating and cooling but also help you reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills. Our team will guide you through the selection process, ensuring an informed decision that meets your needs.

Professional Installation:

Proper heat pump replacement requires professional installation to ensure optimal performance and longevity. At Freon HVAC, our skilled technicians have extensive experience in replacing heat pumps of various types and sizes. We follow industry best practices and manufacturer guidelines for a seamless and reliable installation.

Post-Installation Support:

We believe in providing ongoing support to our customers even after heat pump replacement is complete. Our team is available to address any questions or concerns you may have regarding your new heating and cooling system. We aim for your complete satisfaction and to help you make the most of your investment.

Upgrade Your Heating and Cooling System:

Ready to upgrade to a more efficient and reliable heat pump? Contact Freon HVAC today to schedule a consultation for professional heat pump replacement services. Trust our expertise and exceptional service for all your heat pump replacement needs.


Capacitor & Contactor Replacement

Capacitor & Contactor Replacement

Daikin Indoor AC Unit Cleaning

Daikin Indoor AC Unit Cleaning

Evaporator Coil Replacement

Evaporator Coil Replacement

Heat Pump Replacement

Heat Pump Replacement

Water Valve Replacement

Water Valve Replacement

Carrier Weathermaker 9200 Transformer Replacement

Carrier Weathermaker 9200 Transformer Replacement

LG WM3050CW Motor Sensor replacement

LG WM3050CW Motor Sensor replacement

Gas Valve Replacement

Gas Valve Replacement

Ductless System Installation

Ductless System Installation

Heat Pump / Dual fuel Installation

Heat Pump / Dual fuel Installation

Stove repair

Stove repair

A/C system installation

A/C system installation

Rooftop unit replacement

Rooftop unit replacement

Thermostat replacement

Thermostat replacement



San Jose, CА

Cupertino, CА

Los Gatos, CА

Palo Alto, CА

Fremont, CА

Los Altos, CА

Los Altos Hill, CА

Mountain View, CА

Milpitas, CА

Newark, CА

Campbell, CА

Menlo Park, CА

Morgan Hill, CА

Sunnyvale, CА

San Martin, CА

Saratoga, CА

Santa Clara, CA